Company building design by HRarchZ Architect Studio
Brutalise style
Main material (concrete/dark wood)
We start our design from basic box After that we took this box and we made multi triangle facade (grass/concrete/dark wood)

You can see the entrance from this scene and realised the beauty of the concrete texture also you will notice five sun breakers In conclusion brutalism is another way to see the future with natural material
We need to design a company building for office with Eco system Therefore we choose brutalism style with basic material
Brutalism, also known as Brutalist architecture, is a style that emerged in the 1950s and
grew out of the early-20th century modernist movement.
their massive characterised Brutalist buildings ,monolithic and appearance
with a rigid geometric style and large-scale use of poured concrete.
The movement began to decline in prevalence in the 1970s,
having been much criticised as unwelcoming and inhuman.
Brutalism was generally characterised by its rough, unfinished surfaces,
unusual shapes, heavy-looking materials, straight lines,
and small windows. Modular elements used to form masses
representing specific functional zones, grouped into a unified whole.
As well as concrete and other materials commonly used
in Brutalist buildings included brick, glass, steel,
Company Building HRarchZ Therefore you will see the beauty in the architct
For more exterior Designs HRarchZ